September 30, 2019
September Land Issues

Roy Ulrich
MRAN President

July 20, 2019
July Land Issues

Roy Ulrich
MRAN President

Formerly known as CLARK COUNTY FEDERAL LAND BILL (CCFLB), if passed as a federal law will end southern Nevada offroading as we know it.
June 2018 Clark County Board of Commissioners passed a Resolution to divide remaining BLM managed public land between Preservation and Development, and write that Resolution into a Bill for Nevada’s Congressman and US Senators to pass into federal law.
May 29, 2019 Clark County announced the Bill was completed and sent to the US Congress.
Federal Lands Bill Map
Southern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act.
June Land Issues
June 13, 2019
Roy Ulrich
MRAN President

Roy Ulrich
MRAN President
November 30, 2018
December Land Issues
December Land Use Legislator Report